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Brought to you by Dubai Food Festival and Gulf Photo Plus
We invite photographers to submit work that spans the city’s varied array of restaurants, eateries, and culinary experiences. Whether it’s a 5-star restaurant or a hole-in-the-wall gem, the next time you go out for dinner — bring your camera!
Submitting is easy — just fill out the form and upload
up to 5 photographs
What's your full name?
Please add your phone number.
What's your Nationality?
You may submit between 1 and 5 photographs. Files must be: - JPEG format
- Minimum of 2500 pixels on the short side
- Maximum file size: 15MB
What year was this photo taken?
At what location was this photo taken (name the restaurant if possible!)
Please add a written statement about this photo (under 100 words).
Upload your photo!
Click to choose a file or drag here
What year was this photo taken?
At what location was this photo taken (name the restaurant if possible!)
Please add a written statement about this photo (under 100 words).
Upload your photo!
Click to choose a file or drag here
What year was this photo taken?
At what location was this photo taken (name the restaurant if possible!)
Please add a written statement about this photo (under 100 words).
Upload your photo!
Click to choose a file or drag here
What year was this photo taken?
At what location was this photo taken (name the restaurant if possible!)
Please add a written statement about this photo (under 100 words).
Upload your photo!
Click to choose a file or drag here
What year was this photo taken?
At what location was this photo taken (name the restaurant if possible!
Please add a written statement about this photo (under 100 words).
Upload your photo!
Click to choose a file or drag here
By submitting to this competition, I hereby verify that:
Untitled checkboxes field
These are my images — I have not stolen or copied these images from any other persons, and at the time of submission, I am the sole copyright holder for the image and the pictured content.
Untitled checkboxes field
I confirm that any visible or identifiable persons or companies in my images have given me, the photographer, express permission to submit my images
Untitled checkboxes field
If selected as a finalist, I hereby allow Gulf Photo Plus & Dubai Economy and Tourism Department full ownership rights to these images for web, print, promotional, and exhibition use.